Friday, March 15, 2002

I am a hungry fora your blog posts!


Monday, March 11, 2002

I haven't had a signifigant post in some time. As I find myself with a little time now, I will attempt to write something worthwhile. I was very excited to watch the Episode 2 trailer last night on FOX. It made all the namby-pamby, roody-poo, love story trailers seem less signifigant. Also, I didn't see 'n sync anywhere in it, so I am a bit relieved. Now, I am by no means an 'n sync fan, and I have feelings against selling out to pop culture (although if you think about it, isn't Star Wars the epitome of pop culture?). But, I frequent the Star Wars web sites ( and and have discovered that one of the memebers of 'n sync, Joey Fatone, is a HUGE Star Wars fan. I mean they had pictures that he sent in to the fan section of his Star Wars room. Impressive, young Fatone. Also, he had a birthday party for his niece with Storm Troopers, Darth Maul, and Darth Vader. Now, clearly, if I had his money, I may do something similar. But as much as I appriciate the fact that he is such a huge fan, I don't think this warrents a part in the movie. If it does, then maybe some one should tell George Lucas about how I won Star Wars Trivial Pursuit on one turn. Then I could get in the movie. Needless to say, the trailer looked good. Unfortunately, I am sure that I will watch Episode 2 and say something along the lines of: Do C-3P0 and R2-D2 both have memory wipes that make them forget the name Skywalker? Do they not remember that they were owned or built by a Skywalker? I mean C-3P0 is fluent in over six million forms of communication and R2-D2 can break into any central computer database and do anything, but they can't put 2 and 2 together? I guess we are living in a Cynical world, and I am a cynical girl. Sigh....

I also saw Fellowship of the Rings again this weekend. I didn't know that Elrond was played by the same actor who was the bad guy in The Matrix. I kept waiting for him to say, "We have been looking for you Mr. Anderson, er, I mean, Mr. Baggins". But, the movie was again wonderful. If I was voting for best picture, I would vote for it. At least I would now, being that the only other flick that looks worthy is "A Beautiful Mind" which I haven't seen.

While on movie news, I am beginning to see more and more ads for Spider-Man. Now, I am and have been for a long time a comic collector, and so this movie excites me. However, though I know that Peter Parker is supposed to be somewhat of a geek, why cast Toby Ma-freaking-guire? I mean, he is the Eric Stoltz of our generation. He has about as much depth as the kiddie pool in Munchkinland. He is this wide eyed Bambi who looks scared to death to be acting. Arrrrrgh!

Well, in other news I am feeling much better. I can't ride my bike to class, or play basketball yet, due to still getting short of breath. But I hope to be doing better soon. This lack of physical activity is driving me crazy. It's going to make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here. Schoool is going along painfully slow, but I guess that is a good thing as my future is still up in the air. Who knows, I may even stay and get my Masters...... enh.......maybe.