Friday, November 16, 2001

Hey look... I put up some links.

Steve I really appriciated your "Roger Ebert reviews North" type treatise on SQL. I understand (somewhat) how you feel. I must be a real geek to catch a subtle and trivial reference like that. I made have been picked on in high school, but now...GEEKS RULE THE WORLD!!!
Star announced today that there will be a new two minute teaser for Attack of the Clones shown with Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. Yet another reason to go see the movie.

Thursday, November 15, 2001

I would appticiate an e-mail from anyone who reads this. I just want to know that I am not wasting my time in posting and then have no one read it. *Sigh*
Well, I survived my second MONSTROSITY of a test this week. Wheeew! My prof. said we could use one 8.5" by 11" cheat sheet. Well, mine was perfect. I typed it up with graphs and charts and pictures scanned from the the text. The prof said she wanted it to use as a study guide for later classes. I should have charged her.

Well, school is dangerously close to that wonderful period betwixt Thanksgiving and Christmas. I know I'll be stressed. Tyree (my wife) will be even more stressed. AND she doesn't like the holidays much anyway. I hate this time of the semester because everything becomes so focused and dependent on what you do for those three weeks.
It looks like I won't get to see Harry Potter until next week sometime. I am a little sad, but it's not like anyone can ruin the plot for me.
I saw a show on Comedy Central last night that was created for me. It's called Beat the Geeks. They have a panel of 4 "geeks" (3 regulars and 1 guest geek) who specialize in categories. The three regulars are music, movies, and TV, and the guest geek is different every time. Well, I must say I could easily win HUGE prizes on this show. You challenge the geeks and get a question. If you get it right then they have to answer a geek level question that is a bit harder. I not only easily knew the regular questions but I got all the questions right that the geeks missed. I should really take a year and go on the game show circuit. I would be a wealthy man.

Today's quote..."Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm."

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

...ever to go!
I am beginning to share my wife's hatred for USU. I graduated with an Associates degree from Ricks College (now BYU-Idaho). The Utah State General Catalog for both 1998-2000 and 2000-2002 state (and I quote) "Those who transfer to Utah State University and have an Associates of Arts or an Associates of Science degree (or have completed the General Education requirements of the sending institution) will be DEEMED AS HAVING MET THE GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS AT UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY." (emphasis added) It then gives a list of "Approved Institutions" of which Ricks College is listed.

Well, as I applied for advanced standing, so I could take upper division courses, I get denied on the grounds that my Gen. Ed. requirement is deficient. What the freak? I don't get it. The say I have to take, get this, 3 classes for a total of 7 credits to complete it. That would keep me here another semester and cost me about $2000. Well, if I had known that I had to take these classes I would have already taken them in semesters where my tuition covered additional classes. When I first came here, my advisor told me I didn't have to take them. I feel like a light bulb that can't find a home. I keep getting screwed.

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

I had two chilli dogs... I am happy. For those of you who don't know it... Rob Zombie was on WWF Raw last night. Not bad.
Well, I took my Int'l Econ test today. I hope it went well. Tests are like repentance. Yeah, it hurts a little, but it feels so go after you are done. Sorta like taking a wizz. It's Tuesday and Tyree will be gone most of the night with her Photo class. I think I'll clean up the house. My brother Josh who lives in England saw Harry Potter last saturday and hasn't given me a report. I can't wait for it to come to the States. But as funny as it seems, I am a little more excited about Lord of the Rings. Granted I have read all 4 Harry Potter books 3 times, but I got sucked into the Tolkein. The first 150 pages were slow and hard to get through but patience paid off because the rest of the book really made up for the first 150 pages. I am reading the 2nd book in the trilogy now, The Two Towers and have even set my desktop theme to Lord of the Rings. I am a geek I know. Thanksgiving is coming fast and it will be nice to have a break.

Thanks Steve for helping me set up my blog. I hope people are reading this. But in the immortal words of Evan Madeo, "Where are we to go, ... where are we..."

Monday, November 12, 2001

What a day. I just got home from a International Economics study group. Sounds fun Huh? I have had a horrible headache all day. But I got my Blog started. Thanks Steve.
I dedicate my first post to Steven B. Stewart. Bless his pointed head.