Friday, November 30, 2001

A three legged dog ambled into an old west town.
Everyone ran an hid.
They could tell by his snarl and overall disposition that this was not a three legged dog to be messed with.
So finally the sheriff confronted the three legged dog and asked, "What's a three legged dog like you doing in this town?"
The three legged dog answered, " I am looking for the man who shot my paw."

{That's for Ginger, and Steve}

Thursday, November 29, 2001

MORE SNOW!!!!! But at least it has warmed up. Yesterday it got down to single digits. However, when it snows the cloud cover helps to trap some of the geo-thermal heat and the tempreture is not so low. Thank goodness. I actually shoveled snow for an hour yesterday and today. And it keeps coming. {Sigh}
Well, I am a little worried. We incorrectly thought that finals were done on Thursday, December 13th. So our tickets for Texas are on the 14th. (In honor of Steve I got Exit aisle seats!) Well, come to find out I have a final on the 14th. I hope that I can take it early.

Todays quote: "If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you have never tried before."

...ever to go!

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

Well, it's official. Saturday night it snowed. A LOT. It is now officially winter. Not only outside, but in the stores too. Literally overnight it went from Fall to Winter.
I hate winter. Hate hate hate hate hate winter. Hate it. Hate every California driver wrecking in the snow. Hated the ice and wind and ugliness. Hated the implied insult to human beings that anyone is pleased by it.
I saw "Planet of the Apes." Yeah right, whatever. {Yawn}
I finally saw Jim Carrey's The Grinch last night. Boy, I wish I could have that time back. However, I did feel some of the time I dedicated to that movie wasn't wasted. That was the scene I was asleep during. I find it funny that a movie in which the central theme is "Christmas is more than presents" shoves itself down your throat with such advertising as "The movie that's on everyone's Christmas list" and "Rush out and buy it today." {sigh} I guess that what seperates me from the polebians is that I notice details like that. And I am aware of the inane yet important. Like farting outside when it's cold. Sure, you can see your breath when it's cold, but aren't your farts hot air too? Who's to say you can't see them too? Until I get imperical evidence to the contrary I will expell my gas indoors, thank you very much.
Yesterday was my wife's 22nd birthday. We have been married nearly two years and now she is 22. Boy, did I rob the cradle or what? Anyway, we had a nice enjoyable dinner with some friends. Last year I threw a surprise party. She said she didn't want a party this year. But Ithink she did. And I screwed up on the cake. Yeah, I suck.