Friday, November 23, 2001

I saw Harry Potter last night (the movie not the person). Anyway, I was not disappointed. I really enjoyed it. I have read the books a geeky 3 times and I am really into the hype. They didn't however, show the Ep 2 preview {sigh}. Only problem is we went to the 9:15 showing. We didn't get home until 12:30. This normally wouldn't be so bad, excepy we wanted to take advantage of the After Thanksgiving Day Sales. I was up at 6 AM and in Staples at 7.
But it was WELL worth it. I got 256MG of RAM, 2 50-pack spindles of CD-Rs, and 10 CD jewel cases all for the staggering price of.......(wait for it).........FREE! My favorite price in the world. Granted I am out about $75 until the rebates come back (I mailed them as soon as I got home) but I get it all for tax and a stamp! AND Idaho tax is only 5%! Yeah!!!!
My wife bought something else which is my Christmas present, so I don't know what it is. But hey, any computer gift is a good gift! Well, I am going to go and try to get some sleep. I still have a 3 hour drive back home.
And for those who care, it is snowing. The grass is still green. The streets aren't frozen. But there are as many flakes in the air as there are on Oren's shoulder. Slick!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2001

We gather together to watch cheesey movies
On Comedy Central on Thanksgiving Day
It's Mystery Science {GASP} Theater 3000
It's 30 Straight hours and it's called Turkey Day!
Gobble Gobble Gobble, Ho Ho Ho I'm The Easter Bunny

Happy Thanksgiving to all and their families.

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

So I haven't posted in a while. Sorry. I am in Idaho right now. We are up visiting my wife's parents for Thanksgiving. I didn't realize how much I missed Idaho. It has to be one of the most beautiful states I have ever been in. It doesn't have that traditional beauty you see in travel magazines. But if you appriciate nature and mountains then you will really love it.

I need to give a shout out to Tavie and Kitana, my new friends. Hey, I am Steve's friend so that make me their friends too, right? Thanks for tuning in to Andy TV.

Monday, November 19, 2001

I hate winter. Winter makes me cry. Literally. I mean, I have larger than average eyes, and the cold air just sucks the tears out of me. Granted I used this to my advantage to make people think I was "sensative", but it really is a bother. You see, I also have very long eye lashes. When it's cold, I tear up, and then my tears freeze my eyelids shut. I walk around trying to pry my eyelids open and undoubtedly end up slipping on some ice. I hate winter.

I shouldn't complain. We don't even have snow yet. It's got all the skiers and Salt Lake Olympics Crooks in a tizzy. But I am happy. I don't have to scrape snow and ice off my car at 6:30 in the freezing morning. I don't have to worry about all the Claifornia drivers here for their first winter. (Not that native Utah drivers are any better. What I wouldn't give if every driver in America was as courteous and polite as drivers in COLUMBUS, GEORGIA!!!!!!!) I don't have to sludge through snow on my way to anywhere. And I get to spend a week in Texas in December where I can still play golf. Life is good. I have a gorgeous wife. Other men are jealous of me, and well they should be. I am happy. And when the snow comes, and I can go sledding, the only winter sport worth doing.